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Signup to Participate in 2005

Please fill out the Form below after reading the following information.

Each year Tinker Graphics helps to promote local businesses with LOW cost direct marketing at the Volusia County Fair & Youth Show, www.planetdeland.com/vcfwinners - It's a great way to promote your website!!!

This year we are looking to help local businesses distribute thousands of promotional items (Pens - Pencils - Fliers - Business Cards - ToGo Menus - any other promotional items you may already have on hand) directly into the hands of West Volusia Residents via our Treasure Bags!

We will place your promotional items in our Treasure Bags, which will be handed out to thousands of families that pass through the exhibitor's section of the fair.

To include your items into our Treasure Bags there is only a $50. Per 1000 item distribution fee or:

$90.00 for 2000 SAVE $10.00
$160.00 for 4000 SAVE $40.00
$120.00 for 3000 SAVE $30.00
$200.00 for 5000 SAVE $50.00

We will also be having several merchants donating Gifts/Gift Certificates totaling $2500.00 to be used for a free drawing (a drawing ticket will be placed inside each bag). Winning number will be announced on www.planetdeland.com. For their generous donations, each merchant will have their company name listed on a bulletin board on the Tinker Graphics display table located in the exhibitors section during the fair, as well as having their company name listed on www.planetdeland.com in a special section created just for the county fair.

If you would like to participate and donate a Gift/Gift Certificate, (must be valued at no less then $50) please contact us at 386-734-3475 and ask for Shirley A. Braem or William Lavino Payment must be made in full the final balance by October 1, 2005 to guarantee your space. (Once you have committed to this promotion we cannot refund your money if you decide not to participate, or do not have your materials supplied to us on the designated time frame, as we are limiting this promotion to only 100 businesses and will be turning away others after our quota has been met).

This is a first come, first serve offer and limited to 100 businesses. All materials must be supplied by October 21, 2005. Any materials that are not supplied by this time will not be inserted into the Treasure Bags.

If you wish to take advantage of this great marketing opportunity please submit this form below with your information:

Amount of items you would like us to include: *
Company Name: *
Contact Person: *
Street Address:
State: Zip:
Phone: ( ) *
Fax: ( )
Email: *
Would you like to donate a prize for the drawing? (Optional) If Yes, please describe. *

* Required




Tinker Graphics & Promotions and some local area businesses, are sponsoring this Treasure Bag contest during Nov 3rd – 13th 2005. Winning Ticket Numbers will be posted on November 14th, 2005.

To win you must be 18 years of age or older, have the same color ticket and corresponding number that is listed with each prize.

Employees and family of Tinker Graphics & Promotions or any other sponsors of this drawing are not eligable to win.

A list of winners will be posted on this site for up to 120 days, you may obtain a list by e-mail vcfwinners@planetdeland.com

Did You Win???
Please call us to confirm your winning ticket number
at 386-734-3475 and ask for Shirley Braem




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