4-H COORDINATOR 822-5778
Absentee ballots/voting 736-5930
Address (house) assignments 943-7059
Administrative Center-Orange City 774-5144
Aerial photos 943-7059
Agenda requests 736-5920
Agriculture Center 822-5778
Airport administration 736-2700
Animal control 943-7895
Billing - water bills 736-5971
Building permits 736-5929
Burning regulations 736-5941
Cable television issues 822-5062
Child support payments 736-5906
Citizen's Hot Line/general info 736-5902
Civil Clerk 736-5907
Clerk of the Court 736-5915
Community Development 943-7039
Community Information 822-5062
Complaints of illegal parking 736-5999
Construction bids 736-5935
Contractor certification 822-5739
County Council 822-5763
County Forester 736-5927
County Manager 736-5920
Court Administrator 736-2700
Deeds 736-5912
Dog licenses 736-5938
Drainage 822-6422
Driveways 736-5942
Emergency community services 943-7039
Temporary emergency food 943-7039
Employment job line-County jobs 736-5921
Environmental Management
Evictions 736-5907
Exemptions-Property Appraiser 736-5901
4-H Coordinator 822-5778
Family Law Clerk 736-5908
Fire code requirements 736-5941
Fire inspections 736-5941
Fire stations 736-5940
First-time homebuyer program 822-5058
Fishing licenses 736-5938
Flood zones 943-7059
Forester-tree ordinance 736-5927
Garbage service complaints 943-7889
General information 736-5902
Grading/roads 822-6422
Handicap parking tags 736-5949
Hazardous dumping 736-5927
Head Start 943-7039
Homestead exemptions 736-5901
Horticulture agents 822-5778
Housing assistance plan 943-7039
Housing partnership 822-5058
Housing rehabilitation 943-7039
Hunting and fishing licenses 736-5938
Impact fees: building 736-5924
Impact fees: tags 736-5936
Inspection request for: buildings 736-5928
Inspection request for: driveways 736-5928
Inspection request for: landscape 736-5928
Inspection request for: trees 736-5928
Inspection request for: wells 736-5928
Inspection request for: stormwater 736-5926
Installment tax information 736-5938
Orange City/Deltona installment tax 774-4424
Jail booking information 736-5918
Junk car complaints 736-5925
Jury management 822-5774
Landlord/tenant dispute 736-5907
Library Administration 736-2700
Licenses: contractors/elec/plumb 822-5739
Liens (property) 736-5912
Littering complaints 943-7889
County maps 943-7059
Mediation services 736-2700
Noise complaints 736-5999
Occupational licenses 736-5937
Ordinances/resolutions 736-5920
Parcel numbers 736-5901
Parks program registration 736-5953
County parking tickets 736-5905
Passports 736-5913
Permits: building/elec/mech/pool 736-5929
Permits: docks 736-5929
Permits: driveways 736-5942
Permits: fences 736-5929
Permits: plumbing 736-5929
Permits: signs-new 943-7059
Permits: signs-renewal 736-5925
Permits: trees 736-5929
Permits: wetlands alteration 736-5927
Permitted uses of property 943-7059
Personal property tax information 736-5938
Personal property tax-delinquent 736-5939
Potholes 822-6422
Pretrial assessments 736-5944
Property appraisals/assessments 736-5901
Property legal descriptions 736-5901
Property taxes, payments 736-5938
Recycling 943-7889
Refuse collection 943-7889
Right of way 736-5967
Right of way complaints 736-5967
Rezonings 943-7059
Road & Bridge-NW barn 822-6422
Road & Bridge-NE barn 239-6535
Road & Bridge-SE barn 424-2925
Road & Bridge SW Barn (County) (407) 668-4745
Road complaints 822-6422
School Crossing Guards 943-7866
School Resource Officers 738-3334
Section 8 housing 943-7039
Septic tank 822-6250
Sheriff's Administration 736-5961
Sheriff's District #2 - DeLand 943-7866
Sign ordinances 943-7059
Social services 943-7039
Stormwater-drainage 736-5926
Subdivision review 736-5942
Summer Food Service Program 943-7039
Tag and title information 736-5936
Traffic violations 736-5905
Trash service 943-7889
Trees 736-5927
Utilities Administration 943-7027
Utilities/billing 736-5971
Utilities/change serv. 822-6465
Utilities/complaints 822-6465
Utilities/line break 822-6465
Veteran's Affairs 740-5102
Voter registration 736-5930
VOTRAN 943-7033
Water hook-up 822-6465
Water restrictions-recording 736-5998
Water and sewer fees 736-5971
Weeds 736-5925
Wells 736-5927
Wetlands 736-5927
Witness/Victim coordination 736-5964
Zoning of property 943-7059
Zoning violations 736-5925

Comprehensive Service Phone Directory
City Staff Directory
I City Resource Directory
General Information about the Greater DeLand Area

City Hall I Police I Fire I Parks & Recreation I Virtual Tour
Community Development I Public Works I Engineering I Links I Site Map


deland-log-verysm.GIF (3428 bytes) CITY OF DeLAND
120 S. Florida Ave
P.O. Drawer 449
DeLand, FL 32721
Phone: (904) 736-3900
Fax: (904) 740-6869
Web Site Administrator: David Watson

© COPYRIGHT - City of DeLand 1999 - 2000 Webmaster: Tinker Graphics & Promotions