Some of our short range goals would include the updating and replacement of apparatus and equipment such as the replacement of Woods-1, replacing the IC vehicle with a four-wheel drive vehicle in the 1999-2000 budget year.

Work with the Arvida project to design and construct a substation in the southeast quadrant and the manning of this station along with purchase of apparatus and equipment fot it.

A long range goal of this Department is to lower the ISO rating from its present Class 5 to a Class 4 through the efforts of the men of the DeLand Fire Department, and the purchase of some apparatus and equipment. It will take a team effort on everyone's part to obtain our goals, remembering that goals are dynamic and changes can be expected.


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120 S. Florida Ave
P.O. Drawer 449
DeLand, FL 32721
Phone: (904) 736-3900
Fax: (904) 740-6869
Web Site Administrator: David Watson

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